EKF Kendo 4-7 Dangradering Eaubonne 2013-10-06
Ansökan om tillstånd att gradera vid denna gradering FÖR ALLA DANGRADER ska vara ordförande tillhanda senast 1 september 2013. Använd blanketten som hittas under GRADERING.
För 6-7 dan sker anmälan via Kendoförbundet, övriga (4-5 dan) enligt instruktion från arrangören, se nedan.
Obs att betalning av anmälningsavgiften ska vara Förbundet tillhanda (gäller endast 6-7 dan) senast 10 september för att anmälan ska anses giltig. Övriga dangraderingar betalas enl instruktion från arrangören, se nedan.
Dan Exam in the context of International Kendo Seminar in Eaubonne (near Paris), France, on Sunday 6th October, afternoon.
See information file of the seminar here: http://www.ekf-eu.com/documents/DOSSIER%20STAGE%20INT%20KENDO%202013.pdf
Please note that the CNKDR will organize an examination of 4th and 5th Dan at the same occasion. This exam is naturally open to all kendoka, with permission of their national federation.
Only the 6th and 7th Dan examination will be registered via the EKF website.
Only the 6th and 7th Dan exam application fees are paid on the EKF bank account.
All other registrations and payments (registration to and payment of the seminar, registration to and payment of 4th and 5th Dan examination) are done to CNKDR. See registration and payment info on the file liked above.
Registration to the 6th and 7th Dan examinations are already opened on the EKF website.
Registration and payment deadline is 25th September 2013.